At the Threshold

The Theologians

Why do some people with brilliant minds choose to dedicate themselves to theological discovery?

The theologians in this series work at the intersection of humility – a positive and vibrant recognition of the limits of what we don’t or perhaps can’t know — and discovery, the pursuit of a great, beautiful, animating question.

At the Threshold

Judith Wolfe

We have to take seriously the claim that we do not yet live in the world as it will be, and as we will be, and that we have to live towards an eschaton, a presence of God in the world, which is not only not yet apparent, but is not even comprehensible to us. So how do we live authentically in this life?

Lieven Boeve

For Christians, professing Christ is the interruption par excellence of history. It is this God and this interruption to which the Christian narrative bears witness. A witness that never attempts to completely grasp or contain this God. Moreover, whenever this narrative tends to close itself, it is itself interrupted. Broken open precisely by the same God who prevents the Christian narrative from closing itself. Belief in the resurrection is the sharpest expression of this. When narratives are forced shut, even unto death, God nevertheless still breaks them open.

Perry Schmidt-Leukel

Why are there so many religious traditions in the world? Why is there such a diversity of astonishing truths and insights? Global religions resemble each other within their differences. By studying a different religious tradition, you can experience how different kinds of light will fall on certain elements of your own tradition. How can we illuminate each other, for the benefit of the whole of humanity?

David Brown

While within Christianity, the primary focus of reflection and interaction must remain with the Bible, it would be on my view a huge mistake to assume that any interaction thereafter is mediated through an unchanging text. Rather, the text becomes part of a living tradition that is constantly subject to change, and that includes change in the perceived content of the biblical narratives. New insights are generated as different social conditions open up new possibilities and perspectives. The greater part of divine revelation may still be ahead of us, not behind.

Ann Loades

There were very few women employed in universities when I got my job, and hardly any in theology. The one thing I had going for me was determination to survive. You don’t have to accept all the things that you see around you, I mean, there are things that you can actually do a great deal about. You don’t get change unless you’re willing to stick your neck out, even if somebody’s gonna chop your head off.

Garrick Allen

The Book of Revelation is a place that you go when you want to learn about the doctrine of the end times. For me, the Book of Revelation is about how to live in a system that is unjust. The only thing that’s the future about Revelation is the New Jerusalem in Chapters 21 and 22. This is John’s response to this oppressive system, and it gives us space to rethink what a just system would look like in our world — to begin to imagine that.

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